Chapter Case– A large, not-for-profit healthcare organization
spent one year dveloping its first strategic plan. It involved both
internal and external stakeholders, created a mission and a vision,
gathered trend data, made projections, and identifed strategic
priorites and subsequent projects. After completing the first
draft, it gave the document to various stakeholders for review and
comment. Generally, the feedback was positive. However, one
high-ranking govermental official remarked that the strategic plan
was incomplete and not of high quality because it made no reference
to SWOT analysis.
1. Is the governmental official correct? Should all strategic
plans be informed by SWOT analysis?
2. What does a SWOT analysis provide? Could this information be
generated in another way?
3. What is the value of using SWOT analysis? Are there
disadvantages to using SWOT analysis?
4. Could a strategic plan be created solely on the basis of SWOT
analysis? Why?